Category: What Our Women Say

Check out our new book – Women Writing Their Futures!

In our WIND workshops at Cook County Jail and a local transition home, system-impacted women have shared their thoughts, feelings, recollections and dreams. Their writingprovides a window to each woman’s individuality and shows how, by getting to know eachother, we can all broaden our understanding of each other and cross

About Justice-involved Women

The Tool Box for Life: Finding Good in the World

By Grace Lemon — “If you put good in, good is going to come back to you.”  On July 27th, two of WIND’s volunteers sat down for a phone interview with 72-year-old Linda G. We spoke to her about her experience with the criminal justice system and the support systems

About Justice-involved Women

Staying Positive and Being Right Where She Needs to Be

By Brooklyn Martner — Denise has faced many obstacles throughout her life, but her strength and resilience shine through each and every day, and she is currently fourteen years sober. Denise is a fifty-five-year-old mother of two and grandmother of four who took advantage of all the resources available to

About Justice-involved Women

Women Helping Women: The Key to Successful Re-Entry

By Penny Hirsch and Barbara Shwom — “Women helping women” was a key theme in Northwestern University’s recent online program “Voices Across Time: Sharing Women’s Experiences of Re-entry.” This program, hosted by Northwestern’s Block Museum as part of the school’s “One Book One Northwestern” focus, was co-sponsored by Women Initiating